final semester of my final year in uni.... this will be my 6th final exam n praying hard that this will be the LAST final exam... all these years, there's one thing that doesn't change - study week's activity: drama week / procrastinating week..
yeah, other ppl see me not studying during study week... my parents see me watching dramas n anime... my mom's friends knew tat i'm preparing exam n yet i'm following them in n out for meals n this n that... they believe in me so much that they believe that i can handle it with some xtra stress(which had been overcome now)
everynight, when my eyes cant open anymore, i'll be telling myself to stop procrastinate n start doing my revision on the next day. on the next morning, the same old story repeat - watching dramas again....
knowing that if i dun start revision and be serious in this, i MIGHT fail my papers... but........ i remain the same! YAP LI-VON!!! u knew wat's happening n why is it so difficult to get yr laptop shut down n start revising??