Tuesday, October 6, 2009

VON: 我是胆小鬼





Sunday, July 26, 2009

YUN: 梦。幸福




看清自身本质 学会融会贯通
莫待岁月蹉跎 持续学习掌握
变成有机营养 就此降临幸福



幸福-- 是《一瞬间》,也是《永远》。

YUN: 我的唯一









Wednesday, July 22, 2009

VON: 一波未平,一波又起

国内顶尖、鼎鼎大名的马来亚大学,最近在我眼中已经不是Universiti Malaya了,而是UM=Universiti Masalah了。。。

1) 宿舍的住宿费:

明明就没有住校了,但宿舍还是毫不客气地跟我收费。。。写信去complain(不止一次),托朋友替我递去给宿舍。。。宿舍后来说什么信也没受到。。。又叫我再写信。。。是要我写几次??每次的说辞都不同,一会儿要这个文件,一会儿要那个文件。。。到最后他们现在要的文件又不知道藏在哪儿了(10、11个月以前的东西),拿什么交给他们??那也就算了,顶多我回到去慢慢跟他们耗当务之急是course registration...

2)course registration:

由于欠他们超过500马币,就不能登陆register course了,所以只好先把欠他们的还了(反正最后这两个学期的学费迟早也是要缴)。。。由于上两学期停学,所以又要打电话去SKR麻烦他们换掉我的status pelajar才能登记。。。到这里也还好。。。终于成功登陆了。。。下一个问题又出现。。。怎么我们只允许登记最多17个学分??明明是最多21才对。。。又是系统问题。。。但至少登记了17个学分。。。包括了13个学分的必修课、2个学分的课外活动课和2个学分的选修 - 越南语课。。。好吧,暂时告一段落,反正还有add and drop week嘛。。

3) add and drop week:

这个时候系统已经恢复了最多21学分。。。好!!赶紧登记另外4学分,拿满21学分,下学期就只剩下14学分就可以毕业了!!这时候可恶的bendahari不知道为啥一开始就charge我们学费了。。。结果又搞成我又欠他超过500马币。。。结果,又被系统block了。。。刚开始还以为是之前那笔。。。结果又打电话去SKR又打去bendahari。。。噩梦来了。。。两边的人都在推卸责任。。。SKR还好,至少有人接电话。。。bendahari那边可是连续打了好几个小时(办公时间)都没人接。。。反正到最后就是花了我一番口舌,终于让他们unblock我了。。。耶!!可以继续登记科目了!!下一个问题来了。。。。选修课。。。我的选择不多,这个学期有开课的不是跟我的必修课撞上课时间就是撞考试时间。。。剩下没几科可以拿了。。而剩下的那几科。。。靠妖!!都很不幸的被填满了。。。再加上我会迟4个星期回去上课,有好几科的选修课又不能拿了。。。在所剩无几的情况下,我已经很委屈地(因为不是我要的科目)拿了6个学分不知道什么"falsafah dan pendidikan di Malaysia" 跟 "pendidikan jasmani, kesihatan dan ko-kurikulum",而且还好了一番功夫才找到那个讲师的电邮地址,写了email给他告诉他我的情况。。可惜等了2天都没回应,眼看add and drop week要结束了,应该没问题了吧。。。总算松了一大口气。。虽然会担心21学分会不会有点太重。。

4) 6个学分的选修课:

add and drop week在7月19日结束了。。接下来就是等22日-26日的pengesahan...谁知道???20日,朋友通知我说我拿的那2科各3学分的选修课竟然只是公开给bahasa jerman dengan pendidikan的学生,所以我就被迫要drop掉那两科。。。哎。。。drop掉有多难??一通电话、一封email就搞定了。。。但我就变得只拿了15个学分,同时意味着下个学期要拿20学分才够我毕业。。。哇靠!!20学分还包括了毕业报告。。。要命!!!唉,20就20呗。。顶多自己再努力点应该不成问题。。反正原本打算这学期那21,下学期拿14,照这样看来,只是顺序掉转而已嘛。。。话虽如此,但还是免不了不死心地想拿多一科选修课。。哪怕2学分也好,下个学期不至于那么辛苦吧。。。于是开始发电邮给讲师们,同时朋友也一直在帮我。。。虽然还是帮不了多少,但至少尽力了吧。。。发电邮给讲师不是一件乐观的事。。。我早上发的电邮要到晚上才收到回复。。。要命的是,那个讲师也不见得肯帮我,(硬要说帮的话,就是默许我拿她那科了吧 - 很多选修课的讲师都要求我们从第一堂课上起,而我则是前面4堂课都没办法上,所以很多讲师都不让我上他们的课),电邮里只说一句叫我自己联络office的人,因为登记的事不关讲师的事,而且deputy dean已经着手这一科的registration。。。靠!!我哪儿知道是要联络哪一个office啊??联络dean office吗?还是直接联络deputy dean??又或者是我department的office??算了,直接找上dean office和deputy dean本人了。。只不过,已经等了超过12小时还是石沉大海。。。pengesahan kursus就只到这星期天,拜六、礼拜也没人做工,看来这个学期就真的只能拿15学分了。。。


说实在的,我真的不想那么悲观,可是我不得不做最坏的打算 - 延毕


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

YUN: 为不认识自己的《明星》再掉泪了

第一次的是听了《周董》的《世界末日》后,歌的意境和当时心情低落的自己产生共鸣,一时感触,就.. 唉~ “...想哭来试探自己麻痹了没 全世界好像只有我疲惫 无所谓反正难过就敷衍走一回 但愿绝望和无奈远走高飞...”-- 这个《第一次》,应该只有丽雯知道吧~







看到一样欣赏玮柏的,一样喜欢玮柏的,一样支持玮柏的亲们,他们所写的每一个真性情的“回帖留言”; 眼泪就这样子默默地,不受控制地...



只有柏迷心里懂-- 玮柏的音乐 玮柏的舞技 玮柏不服输持续的努力!

也只有柏迷知道-- 从《支持玮柏》里,学到些什么,得到些什么...

ps: 在未来日子里,会第三次为《明星》掉眼泪吗?(嗯,拭目以待...)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

VON: 64th Tokyo Chorus Festival

i was kinda looking foward to performing in the 64th Tokyo Chorus Festival..being told that it's a very big hall with a very big stage.. but in fact, i think the DTC hall in UM is bigger and the stage is like the stage in KPS.. hmm.. not tat big as what i thought... not that many audience, too..

after 2 years in 9th coll's choir, this is the first time joining other choir and had really different experience... we sang 2 songs in Japanese, one with piano and the other acapella..our initial pianist was hospitalised a few days ago and wasn't able to participate in the performance..but we're glad that our teacher found another pro pianist to play the song for us...she's amazing!! we just had one rehearsal with her right before we went on stage...

although i had some stage experience, and there were more audience and the stages were bigger, or even they were competition, this was only a performance.. well, mayb because this is my first time on stage in japan (most prob my last time, too!!) so somehow i got nervous... but still, the performance was overall ok, i would say.. hehe

unlike in UM FESENI, we heard our supporters cheering for us before and after our show, it was silent all the way, only some clapping but i'm touched!! esp the moment we finished singing, proceeding to walking down the stage.. however, the excitement after performance wasn't that much (compared to my previous experience in M'sia - we yelled and scream like monkeys after performance outside DTC) but this time it was abit rushing after performance.... after our turn, then sat down n listen to the next 2 choir, then brought to the fitting room and given only 10 mins to change back to our own clothes.... then we were brought out of the building... then hanging around there SS(syok sendiri) n take pics....

oh ya.. and that time i found my friend was there.. glad that he came for the performance though he was late and only managed to see us walking down the stage... but Tak, thx for coming n supporting!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

VON: Kuala Lumpur is a pool??

Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, pronounced as "kuararunpu-ru" (クアラルンプール) in Japanese..

i went to the 'box' for my choir during lunch today... out of a sudden, my jap frens mentioned about "kuararunpu-ru"...at 1st i tot someone started the topic related to Malaysia because i was there.... but the thing is.... i couldn't relate anything to Malaysia.... and..... suddenly one of them ask "where is it?" erm... well, i said "in Malaysia".. then all the 3 of them who were there had a shock...

the reason why i couldn't get what they said is because they're talking about "pool" and the word "pool" in jap is "pu-ru".... so they tot that "kuararunpu-ru" is a pool named "kuararun-pool"....the other reason that mislead them is the word is written as one word in Japanese..until i show them in the dictionary, then oni they realised it's TWO words: Kuala + Lumpur

so to those Japanese who doesn't know that Kuala Lumpur is a place will misunderstand it as a pool....sigh... seems like i have to talk more about my country b4 i go back..... let them know that Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia, the place where i live, not a pool!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

VON: nightmare

i was looking foward to participating in The 64th TOKYO CHORUS FESTIVAL so much as it would be my first and last time to go on stage in Jpn for choir performance!! but... somehow i made a nightmare!! due to the misscommunication b4 performance, me n a few team members were left out... in the end i can only sit down and listen to them at the audience seats.... oh no!!! please...... don't let all these bull shit happen on that day please!!!! please have everything going on smoothly on that day........please.............................

Sunday, June 28, 2009

VON: 东京生活之四季的天气




还是秋天的某一天。。(应该是11月的时候)由于我觉得很冷,就披了一件毛茸茸的外套去上课。。哈哈。。那时就觉得刚刚好。。可是。。。匡平看了就说:“这件会不会太热了点?这应该是冬天才穿的吧。。现在穿好像有点早。。。” 唉。。看吧。。在那时一直喊冷的也就我跟Carven两个。。英国、加拿大、法国来的朋友只是随便穿一件T衬衫,然后说这样的天气刚刚好。。。





Thursday, June 25, 2009

VON: happy!!

super happy yesterday for 2 points..
ONE: met up with Kyohhei to discuss his trip to Malaysia during summer holiday
TWO: he said that my jap level had improved alot!!

yeah!! finally Kyohhei n Akki had decided to visit Malaysia during summer holiday (they'll viist during my Hari Raya sem break in september).. so far the plan sounds so perfect for us... n they were so excited that they can visit University of Malaya, esp when they heard me saying that they might can join my class for one of the day if my lecturer allow (i think she will and my classmates will be happy to meet with jap!!)

the next thing for me to plan is where to bring them to?? Putrajaya, Genting, KL Tower, KLCC, Petaling Street are in the list ady... ohya... not to forget Klang's Bak Kut Teh as i promised Kyohhei for a better Bak Kut Teh than what i'd cooked!! hahawhere else?? Penang or Malacca, if we have the time.. but i'm not familiar with both places at all!!

Akki was abit worried about the language(s) used in Malaysia as he could only speak Jap and a lil Eng..so he said that he's glad to have me there to translate / interprete for them...by then, Kyohhei said that my jap level really improved alot, compared to when i first came to Jpn... he was one of the few whom i know when i first came n he was one of my 'tuition teacher'.... missed the days when we used to stay together on thurs's 4th period as we have classes on 3rd n 5th period...that's the time when i learned alot of stuffs frm him.. but he left Meiji Uni n went to another uni during my 2nd sem here.. so it's really been a long while since we really chat.. n frm there he said that my jap really improved!! haha!! so happy!! i couldn't rmb how sucky was my jap back in 9 months ago but surprisingly, he could!! that time was stil "watashi wa..." n it was word by word yet difficult to make it into a full sentense..(should feel paiseh la.... jap major student somemore...) so for rest of my 30++ 40 days here, i shall work hardEST to improve my jap till the level i want!! easier said than done right?? as i'm writing in Eng / Mandrin but not Jap.. but i'm having more than enough ot write in Jap for my classes here.... essays, reports, translation frm Eng into Jap n the list goes on..... 頑張ります!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

VON: 东京生活之满人电车


所谓的满人电车,就是周一至周五7am - 9am的rush hour(还是peak hour??)时挤满人的电车。。






满人电车!!而听了这个答案的外国人大多都会说:“有同感”;日本人都说:“可以理解,问10个外国人有8个都会说这个的。。。” 甚至有些外地人(非东京出身)也不太能忍受。。可见啊。。。满人电车。。我在东京的噩梦。。


VON: 东京生活之一天只有24小时


很多人常常说:“一天24小时不够用。。” 可是遗憾的是,我们一天就只有24小时,谁也不比谁多一分或少一秒。。

在日本,时间真的过得非常快。。我指的不是1年过得很快。。而是一天的24小时。。过得比在大马时快得多了。。比如说,周六的时候,睡到10点多起来并不过分吧。。在家东摸摸西摸摸一下(家务再加张罗午餐),1点准时出门准备2点的合唱团练习(也要看是在哪一个校舍 - 最远的那间真的要花整个小时)。。2点的练习到6点结束。。再跟大伙儿去吃个晚餐再回家、冲完凉、整顿完毕,能够安静得坐下来大概就已经(早的话)10点多或11点多12点了。。就这样过了一天。。当我回想“这一天做过什么来呢”的时候,答案就只是 - 合唱团练习然后吃晚餐。。没了。。

再说,我家跟学校的距离可说是近的了。。没错,花半小时至整整一小时的路程不算是远的了(至少在东京生活的话)。。跟其他合唱团的团员比起来,他们一听到我住哪儿的时候,10个有9个会说“啊,那很近啊!!”相反的,当我问他们住哪儿的时候,有些答案会让我睁大眼、当场愣了一下、然后无法置信的说:“嘎?大概2小时??” 请别误会那是来回2小时,而是去学校2小时,回家两小时。。这样的距离,他们说:“还好啦。。是有一点点远。。一般单程一小时半以内的不算远了。。”



p/s: 日光不在东京,而是位于栃木(Tochigi)县的一个城市,离东京大概140km

p/s 2: 现在的我不但日文没进步到理想的程度,就连中、英文也退步了不少。。在写这篇blog的时候,有些句子是日翻中的,有些中文的词汇也搞混了。。驾车??开车??甚至有些句子偏向带有台湾腔。。随便啦。。反正意思有带到就好。

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

YUN: 当下非做不可的事。。




1-- “提起心肝”,找工作。不能再“来来函”了)

2-- 把 “车”驾出来。。
(熟悉我的朋友,都知道这事是多么地会要我命 *0*)

3-- 为家里的生意想想。。。
(之前都只是“讲就天下无敌,做就无能为力”, 是时候要付诸于行动了)

4-- 完成【~香港旅~行程】。。。。


Monday, June 8, 2009

VON: 讨厌sayonara




VON: 今天的决定是明天的未来




Sunday, May 24, 2009

YUN:If no Monday then Tuesday wont appear...

A: "i dont like monday ): *crying*"
B: "Why don't like??? If no Monday then Tuesday wont appear... lol..."



好个。。If no Monday then Tuesday wont appear。。。

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

YUN: 恨死 H1N1 !!!!!!!!!!!!






所以我,恨死H1N1 !!!!!!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

YUN: my "only one"..

会发起此篇部落,纯粹是应最新力作! Caricatures of T4(续篇) 的要求,被罚写一篇专属给only one的。(重点是,我到现在还搞不懂,为什么是我被罚的?我又没做错事*0*)-- 哎呀,还是别在此争执了,大家开心就好(n_n)

ok, 原归正状。


他算是感情节奏变化比较缓慢的人吧,因为有说到他自己是慢热型的。(那他大多数要花一段时间才会适应一份感情、一份工作、一个环境,但适应了之后,他应该甚少会做改变,除非迫不得己吧。)话说回来,是不知道他会不会甜言蜜语,懂不懂温情浪漫,但是总认为他是个情感一经触发将会一发不可收拾,无法自拔的人。(不要问我为什么这么认为,只能说凭直觉吧,而且直觉是很主观的……)再说,在感情世界里,他应该是个老实木讷、不善言谈的吧,尤其是面对他很在意的人。(哪像对我这个aiya only one这般那般酱。。*o*)







再说,他的人有艺术细胞,具有一定的艺术欣赏和能力。佩服他在课业上的美术创意,在私人部落格的种种用心,在自家书房展现壁画的风采,在设计班上朋友纪念册的任劳任怨,和画班上Caricatures的种种心思。。(在此,由衷地想对only one说,【谢谢,把画得酱可爱,个人挺满意的】,呵呵~)


Monday, May 18, 2009

YUN: T4的十八罗汉。。





T4的十八罗汉,大家共勉之~ (还有要保持联络~)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

VON: birthday in Japan - Tokyo

it was a special day yesterday... hmm... really special??? if birthday is...
well, i would say it's a different birthday compared to the previous 22 birthdays..
1st, i'm having the day in somewhere far away frm home...
2nd, the celebration...
3rd, my birthday wish(es) which is something most important on the day, i think..

i dun think i have to talk more on the 1st point... most of u know where am i now...(refer to the title if u don't)

ok.. here comes the celebration.....
hmm... did i celebrated it once?? or twice??
ok la.. to make it sounds better, then twice lo....
once on the day itself, once one day before it..
let's go the the day before it 1st, which happened to be some normal hanging out session with the gang coincidentaly on the day b4 my bday..
5 of us (me, Carven, Wesley, Winnie and Annie) went for karaoke..
the whole session was 3pm-8pm.. but only Wesley and Annie were there for that 5 hours..
the rest of us had class(es) ... mine was 4.20pm- 5.50pm..
so... went for K frm 3pm-4pm.. then went for class.. then joined back the K session frm 6pm-8pm... (这样的赶场,也未免太好笑了吧??)
sry.. no pics... forgot to take even a single picture T_T

had ramen for dinner after that.. it's a small shop.. and too bad we had to wait for seats...
discovered something interesting but forgot to take picture of it cz my ramen is served!! (hungry liao ma.. so makan dulu la..)
oh ya.. the shop is so small and that it's sometimes difficult to get seats together... 5 of us were had to seperate into a 2-3 group... ishhhhhh

now comes to the second celebration... it was a last minute decision and hence, again, in a small group of 5 but with my korean frens - Heejin, Jisuku, Moto and Chiru
we went to some Izakaya(居酒屋) nearby campus and had nomikai (飲み会 - literally drinking party)
i oni go for nomikai once in a blue moon but since it's my birthday, so it's the blue moon lo.. haha
what we had was unlimited drinks (on the all "u can drink" menu) and set of dinner.. it's not too much, but stil enough for a meal..

then.... later..... or i should say today, i realised something..... there was NO cake for the whole day = i didn't make any wish!!! OH NO!! birthday WITHOUT birthday wish?!?! -> sad thing T_T

Saturday, May 9, 2009

VON: miss

a truth that i have to admit: time flies
everything's just gonna be too fast
one year(actually 11 months) in Japan.. now left oni less than 3 months
3 years of uni life in UM just passed like this
and if i didn't come to Japan for the exchange programme, I'm supposed to have completed my 1st degree and grad in a few months' time!!
i was looking at some pictures taken during form 6, 1st year n 2nd year of uni and i found that i really miss the good old days...
i miss my fellow friends in form 6, i miss so many of ppl who appeared in my first 2 years of uni life in UM...including my coursemates, choirmates, Tong Zhi gang and so on...
i actually didn't have much feeling when i see my seniors grad last time.. but this year.. most of my batch-mates in UM gonna grad so soon and everyone's gonna start a new chapter in life and then i realised that most of us are on different paths now...though we used to be purely students, having activities together, having the ups and downs together..................... i really hope that we don't have to be apart, but this is life, isn't it??
i'll be joining UM again, but i believe that my final year will be different frm my previous years... will it be better?? i don't know.... but i'm sure i'll miss those who left... i'll really miss those days...

guys, i miss u all so much!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

VON: it shakes again

A:it was shaking!!
B: what?
A: earthquake...
A: my room...
B: u serious??
A: well, abit oni la... cant see anything shaking... oni can feel it..
B: always liddat ar??
A: not too often la... a few times lo...
B: scared onot??
A: wont scared wan la...
B: ya ar?? but sounds scary lo...
A: oni the first time felt scared la..
B: first time?? den how??
A: tat time i ngam ngam woke up... den felt tat the bed's shaking abit.. but u noe la.. just woke up.. abit blur blur oso... den took some time to confirm the feeling of earthquake..
B: har?? need to confirm lagi ar??
A: yala.. cz tat time actually wondering is because i just woke up or wat ma....
B: den??
A: den ar.... i was thinking wat shd i do if it continues shaking lo... no experience ma... mana tau wat to do wo??
B: aiyo... if really big earthquake den how??
A: hmm... according to the earthquake guidance given by uni.... hide under the table lo... need to protect the head not to be knocked lo...
B: so at least they teach u wat to do oso la...
A: no ar... they din really teach or wat... it's oni written on a small small piece of paper...
B: oh... den after the first time... second time n so on not scared ady ar??
A: cz the first time wasn't serious... so the second time n later on not scared lo...
B: icic

wondering if u find it interesting to read the incident in this way.. but all of a sudden, i just had the idea to share it in such way.. btw, it was really shaking (abit oni la) around 7pm (japan's time) just now...

VON: Brain stucked!!

after joining some clubs n society stuff in the uni, we had dinner together.... i'm the oni Gaijin(foreigner) in the club...good!! good!! can practise jap again!!!!

but i wonder what happen to my brain at that time.... at 1st, i stil can talk to them with my not so fluent jap... but... after a little while..... my brain stucked!!!! i couldn't express wat i wanna say in jap...i tried very hard to converse in jap, sharing about 'mamak stall' with them... but i cant even rmb how to say "youngsters often/like to go to mamak stall." cham liao la T_T such a simple sentense "若者はよく行く" (wakamono wa yoku iku.) in the end i used english... sigh.....another poor thing: eng oso tak boleh pakai

i was switching to eng but at that time all the vocab appeared are in jap... wat situation is tat!?!?
jap vocab with eng grammar... sigh.... n even so, it's not the proper eng grammar but the broken ones.... argh!!!!

but luckily these new jap frens are nice n were patient to wait for my broken languages....

Monday, April 20, 2009

YUN: yummy..

good outing with sis @ Leo's cafe, AU2^^
Top Ten Award 十大青年
(Kiwi flavor mixed Fruits and Crystal Lychee)

Ordinary Iced Lemon Tea

(Steaming hot Lep's enriched coffee, shower over a chilling cold Italian mint gelato)

Soup of the day

Blackcurrent Crispy Chicken Wings 黑加仑脆皮鸡翅膀
(Deep fried oriental crispy chicken wings with blackcurrent & seasame seed)

Chiken Char Siew
(Bucket rice with chicken char siew, "tung choy" & egg julienne)

Ordinary Fried Chicken steak

Buttermilk Seafood Yee Mee 奶油海鲜伊面
(HK style Yee mee, prawns, crap meat and classic "pak choy", topped with buttermilk sauce in a hot pan)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

VON: 1st week of the sem... ADD OIL!!!

finally, my 2 months ++ holiday ended.....new sem started on 10th April... isn't it weird to start uni on a friday??? but well, my friday's class start only one week later than that... haha... so a few more days for my holiday... but that doesn't make any big difference though.... life is stil the same as before....

my very first class of the sem is the intensive japanese language class held at Surugadai campus (which takes me around 40 mins to reach there) on tuesday.... since it's the first class and there're some new comers, we're asked to do self intro....next, in the evening.... korean class... well, i was hesitating to take that class onot... as i'm supposed to polish my jap in japan n not to learn a new language here...but after some consideration, i'd finally decided to take the language... ADD OIL!!!

wed, took 2 jap classes: japanese expression (writing) and japanese expression (speaking)... both classes are taught by a famous lecturer in japan... hmm... she's strict to exchange students.. dun give face wan... and these classes are taken together with japanese students... actually abit pressure la... dun think my level is that good to understand the class yet... but well, i'll take it as a challange... ADD OIL!!!

thursday....a tiring day.... had intensive jap class again with a different lecturer, therefore, need to do self intro again, to the same classmates but different lecturer..... 9.10am - 12.00nn with a 15 mins break at the interval, need to rush to Izumi campus for the following classes (takes at least 35 mins on train to commute between the 2 campuses)... no lunch for the day.... the next class start at 1pm.....the lecture for "language n culture" was so crowded... there wasn't enuf seats.... some of the ppl attended the class by standing at whereever they can....(this reminds me of Perijaya Tuition Centre... during the intensive seminar...... we'd experienced sitting at the corridoor for the history(if i'm not mistaken) class...) next, a seminar class about translation... it was written on the 'pro-forma' that only 12 students will be accepted for the seminar... but in the end, there're 18 students who registered for it... and we have a nice lecturer who accepted all of us... TQ Ms Otsuka!!! again, we're asked to do self intro!!! hmm.. really sick of it....but stil, i cant rmb the other seminar-mate's name.. none of them... anyway, during the seminar, we're asked to translate 2 eng sentences into jap... and that shows how bad my jap is.... my answer was so much different.. or i can say it's totally different from the japanese students' answer.... sigh... because, with my current level, i can oni do direct translation, but not translating it with the jap language culture into it....well, ADD OIL!!!

fri, had intensive jap class again, with another different lecturer... cant rmb if we're asked to do self intro onot....i was just too tired to recall it... weird.... i was just so tired for the whole day though i'm pretty sure that i had enuf sleep....so after class, went for lunch with my classmates who came frm korea n france at the cafeteria at 17th floor of Liberty Tower, Meiji Uni, then go back home, sleep.... in the evening, went back to campus again for a welcome party for "Campus Mate".... it's nice to get to know more ppl there... but it's super expensive.... 1000yen (around RM37) but ate oni some fried rice n a cup of juice..... but well, can noe more ppl, can prac jap more, worth la...better than going to izakaya (jap style restaurant) where need to pay for around 3000yen for 2 hours where u can drink wateva u want on the menu... n it's mostly alcoholic drink.....met with some 1st year jap students who wanna learn eng or chinese... alot of them were so surprise that i can speak chinese, eng, malay, cantonese, hakka n jap....haha... long time din speak so much jap in a single day (actually it was oni 2 hours)... my jap's not fluent yet, but improved quite alot compared to 7 months ago... so, ADD OIL!!!

after the first week, i can foresee that the workload for the classes are quite heavy... no pain, no gain.. i'll have to put alot of effort to polish up my jap in the remaining 3 months ++ here... ADD OIL!! ADD OIL!! ADD OIL!!!

p/s: add oil means 加油 in chinese or 頑張る in japanese (for those who don't understand)

VON: 反省










Friday, April 17, 2009

YUN: 失去的不能重来,只能把握现在,张望未来 。。

今天跟朋友拿“手指”去transfer photo。开了一看,哇塞,一大堆的相片。从大学一年级AMY的生日庆生到至今最新的KTV聚会+庆生派对,林林总总。但自己有份参与的,又有几个?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

YUN: 真没想到。。

很久没在戏院里掉眼泪了,最前一次应是两年前吧,看《The Car》..

今天看《Confessions of a Shopaholic》竟然会看到掉眼泪。这不是部浪漫喜剧吗?


Thursday, April 9, 2009



Animal team: Yoong (dugong),Richard (flower horn king kong),Tracy (penguin), and Ian (silent dog)

Gals’ club: Yook (whereby I under her control, pity..), Fang (responsible class rep), Yan Qiu (our SUAR—“sand”), and Karine (our AH LONG)

Genius group (as what Paul claimed themselves is,true anot, questionable^^): 从容不迫的Katie, 打游戏机打不sien 的Boon Yong, 打不死精神的William, and my aiya only one-- Paul

Our class couple: Helen & Jim; 喜欢看mm 的Shawn, 和我同样都是山羊座的Eric; and our Jenny^^


VON: recruitment week

finally, my holiday's coming to the end............uni gonna start again...yes.. finally..... can't recall wat i've done during this 2 months' holiday....

for the past few days... i was involved in recruitment for campus mate (something like a society which both international students n japanese students meet n befriend n stuff....) being kepoh and nth to do at home... i went there but not really 'recruiting' but sit there only while Ichi and the rest doing the explaining to the 1st year... my role is just to let the japanese students to have the 'feeling' of speaking english and/or chinese with a foreigner....haha... kinda easy job..

but.... when i met with a 1st year...... when he knew my age... he said that i'm an adult to him.... sigh.... i'm just 23 ok... adult???? hmm.... cz he's stil 19 ma..... so not an adult yet lo..... sigh...... made me felt i'm so old..... sad la....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

YUN: all of us muz happie everyday o..

Have a great dine out with Utar classmates at Gobi (nearby Cheras)..

all of us had finally done our viva presentation in dis week.. and is katie's bufdae, so celebrate both happiness^^

(though v had "informally" ate katie's bufdae cake in uni campus in few weeks ago^^)

~all of us muz happie everyday o~

Friday, April 3, 2009

YUN: thanks to my other 3 team members-- shawn, eric & chun..

Huraih.. dats end the viva presentation today..

Quite satisfied on wat v had done for the viva.. do slides, edit slides, predict wat questions/ areas that might be asked, stay back day by day to pratice de slides (though juz 3days, juz more than enuf for our these type of last minute kaki^^).. woa.. v had done our best to have a satisfied viva presentation..

Thanks to my other 3 team members-- shawn, eric & chun.. well done!

Monday, March 30, 2009

VON: 花見(Hanami)





花见1之 3月26日白天(吉祥寺 - 井の頭公園):





花见3之3月29日白天(王子 - 飛鳥山公園):



Friday, March 27, 2009

VON: 散在各地的家人


这么多年来,都是一家四口一起生活着。。除了我念中学以前,父亲因工作的关系,一礼拜在工作,一礼拜在家休息。。母亲则是这20多年以来都和孩子们(我和弟弟)在一起。。就在去年六月,我如愿地参加了一项exchange program,在日本的大阪度过了6星期。。母亲身边突然少了一个孩子。。大概2-3星期后,连弟弟也因为升学的关系到了东马的沙捞越大学去。。两个孩子都不在身边,也还好,至少丈夫还在身边嘛。。。又过了3-4个星期,我回家了。。。可是也没回去多久。。那次从日本回到大马,大概只呆了6-7个星期吧。。而且很多时候也没在家好好陪母亲。。都一直往外跑。。其实我知道母亲一直希望我能多留在家里,可是我却很任性地有事没事都到大学去跑一趟。。尤其是晚上,因为有宿舍的合唱团,常常都把这个当借口,很晚才回家。。也不是很记得那几个礼拜母亲是否还像以前一样坚持要等到我回家。。当然,母亲有明示过要我不要再继续参加合唱团了。。但我就是喜欢。。明明知道这样做母亲会有一点点不开心。。我并没有忽略父母对我的期望,只是。。我选择无视。。。。我选择了忠于自己。。。好啦,就这样。。。直到去年的9月,我再度到日本,这一去,是一年之久。。。两个孩子又不在身边。。母亲应该会寂寞吧。。。可是。。至少我父亲还在。。。




Wednesday, March 25, 2009

VON: congratz to 9th coll choir (UM FESENI 2009)

congratz to 9th coll choir in getting 1st placing again in UM Arts Festival (feseni).... well done everyone!!! proud of u ^_^

25 March 2009 - UM feseni choir category. i wonder y, but i was really nervous for the team. it's weird that i wasn't this nervous during feseni 2007 and 2008, but when it comes to feseni 2009, while i'm so far away, not one of the participant to sing on stage, i got nervous for nothing. mayb what Shiao Tan said is right: i wasn't there with the team throughout the whole journey, i'm not sure with what's going on there and hence i'll get nervous.

before the competition: one night b4 it, we had arranged a video conference/ voice call for me to talk abit n show support for the team but due to the network error, it didn't work. so i estimated the time to call them again b4 they depart to DTC... "all the best" was the ONLY message i can pass to the team.. my brain went blank all of a sudden when ES pick up my call.

during the competition: through ES's handphone, i got to listen to the 'live broadcast' of the team singing during the competition. the quality wasn't good, i could only get the melody line, but not the nice chords. i couldn't comment anything about their performance, but i believe that they'd put their best performance. the gan cheong-ness went off bit by bit during that 8 minutes. weird... my hands were shiverring at the beginning.. was it because i was nervous?? or was it the weather?? it's cold here......

2 hours later......... received a sms frm ES: 1st placing
oh dear!! 1st again??!!! yes!!! they did it!! i was so excited jumping up and down in my room as if i'm one of them on stage. i would say that my excitement level was like the past 2 years. the result wasn't unbelievable..9th coll team did it for the past 4 consequent years, it's not easy to get the 1st again, but it's not impossible. i was confident with them actually.. (y am i nervous then?? -> i don't know)

i called them again, listening to them shouting happily, excitingly, sharing their sweet moment with me. it's one of my regret that i couldn't be there this year... some of the members asked me if i'll be there for next year's competition.. i answered without hesitate: YES! even though i wont be staying in coll during my final year, but i'll be in the team (unless they fire me la)..but this made me calm down after a few minutes.. the next thing appeared in my mind was: oh.. the pressure from the past archivement: ppl will look at the 6th year... will it be 6 in a row?? i know that placing is something extra and it's not the most important thing, but.............. easier said than done right?? well, that's something far away from now.. i still have one whole semester in Tokyo ok?? anyway, i'm looking foward to join the team again in july/ aug....... guys, I'LL BE BACK!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

YUN: all you need is 1 AA battery!

Take cam-loving to a whole new level with this Lomo camera. Based on the original Diana Flash Camera, this new DianaF+ features a retrp-styled electronic flash. That means, even if you 're out for a night with your gals, you dun have to settle for a dark & blurry shots. Another cool features is the plastic coloured gel features that throw a burst of coloured light at your subject for that xtra effect!

All you need is one AA battery~

Saturday, March 21, 2009

YUN: thanks you, Mr Lee..

Having a suitable thesis supervisor is better than having a good one.

Like my case, our supervisor is suitable for 4 of us, in the sense that he is the types of ppl dat willing to take initiative to guide us, monitor us, and we are the types of ppl dat wont be stepped foward unless have some1 push us from the back..

I still rmb a feedback that get from a Ms. HML (our passionate lecturer) which stated that, "You guys are lucky, being assigned to become supervisee of Mr. LTC."

Ya, i now quite agree with that given statement by Ms. HML. Our supervisor really make me appreciate the way he treates us throughout the guidance on the thesis foe the past few months, espcially on the submission day of the thesis. That was an incident that we thought we left out a signature of the supervisor, and it was a serious matter that we might not qualified to submit the thesis without the completed signature of the supervisor. Unlike others thesis group, their superviors are physically present at sg long campus, and for ours, is at kampar campus, so far away.. So how could we get the signature from him in such a short period of time (left abt 3-4 hrs dat the submission time of thesis closed)?

Guess wat happen at the end? We called up our supervisor n ask for help. He's so patient listening to us and calm down our nervous feeling, while giving out the instruction on how to handle this unexpected incident (and now im thinking back, will it be different if we deal with another supervisor? I cant imagine.)

Not only that, until today, i still very appreciate and feel thankful to have such "suitable" supervisor to guide us all the way, even for the coming thesis presentation-- viva. Only today i find out that other thesis groups' supervisors din request them to send or hand in a viva ppt draft for improvement purpose, but our supervisor did take initiative to request a copy from us dis week. Worse and to worse, there's a thesis group which is the hardworking type, asking their supervisor to check the particular viva slides. U noe wat's the feedback?

-- dunid. (speechless..)

Thanks you, Mr Lee-- our lovely supervisor who "suit" us well..

YUN: thanks to facebook^^

Singapore.. Been there once, with family n relatives. The impression is-- clean environemnt, have fun at sentosa island, food not nice, etc

Been there for few days only, sure cant have depth comment on it. unlike those friends studying or working there, they muz have plenty of experiences that can be shared with^^

Curious to noe y suddenly writing abt singapore (though is in short paragraph)? Hee, juz bcoz a frenz who had been long time din contact since primary sch studying, had just contacted back thru facebook, and he's now studying in singapore, still have a year to graduate..

thanks to facebook..

Friday, March 20, 2009

VON: Internet TV (网络电视)

just wanna share a software: 九品网络电视

thx to the IT developement nowadays, we're able to watch TV not only on the TV but on our PC, as long as u're connected to the internet. i just found out that there're some softwares which serve the function of TV, yet more than an ordinary TV. there's no more need to d/l movies, the above-mentioned software could get u live broadcast (like a TV) and also recorded TV programs (like what we d/l). u might think: so wat?? i have a TV at home and y do i need to watch the programs on the small laptop screen?? haha.. another reason for me to share about Internet TV is: u can watch overseas TV channel live regardless where u are, as long as u're connected to the internet!! interesting??

look for more info at the following website:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

YUN: a man with shoulders..

Reli think that guys nowadays afraid to take responsibility on the matters that have been done by them. Of coz, cannot deny that not all guys are like that, but the guys besides me make me have this perception.

Takin excuse.. dun wan to admit.. pass the responsibility on others.. afraid to take charge or voice out coz scared to be the one to blame on once the ideas cant be worked out...

Reli cant stand for these kind of guys surrouding me. This make me think of the title track 'Real Man 大丈夫' in Jolin's new album, part of the lyrics contain this verse: 'I don't need a boyfriend, I just need a man with shoulders 我不要找男朋友,只要有肩膀的男人'..

A man with shoulders.. wat a good phase!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

VON: Karaoke and dinner at Shinjuku

When I was half way cooking my brunch (breakfast + lunch) around 11 something, my friend mailed me: "is it ok to gather at 1.10pm today?" receiving such mail in all of the sudden, i didn't know that we're going anywhere today.. I can only remember that there's a trip to Tokyo Disney Sea which i didn't want to go yet... but isn't it on the 16th?? today's 17th... well, after clarifying, it's a hangout for karaoke with some other friends.. and it cost only around 500yen (around RM19 @ 100yen = RM3.8) for 5-6 hours. how cheap is it in Tokyo!!!! my previous karaoke experience was 1000yen per hour in the night and 1000yen from 3pm-8pm on weekdays. Of course, i joined them.. i hadn't been to karaoke for quite some time...

There were supposed to be 5 of us from the same mansion (Skycourt Shimotakaido) but only 3 of us (me, Winnie n 咏臻) turn up at the mentioned time. The other 2 (Carven and Annie) over slept. Yes, we don't wake up so early during holiday. So the 3 of us went all the way to Shinjuku (新宿) to meet the rest of the gang. We went to a convinient store to get some drinks before heading to the karaoke. reason? the drink in karaoke will usually cost around 400-500yen each.. At the counter (oh, Annie had arrived, so 9 of us there), we were told that the rate was 120yen each per hour but we need to add another 100yen each per hour to get a big room, unless we break into 2 rooms. We decided to pay extra to get a big room. We didn't want to be apart. We came in a group! And the minimum is 3 hours. well, 220yen x3 = 660yen (around RM25)

In the karaoke room, i found an interesting menu:

Yes, a menu for anti pollen allergy. There are fish (880yen), salad(780yen), tea (450yen) and a yogurt drink (480yen). Below, u can find some more picture with the explaination (in japanese) on what is good for anti-pollen allergy.

DHA and EPA will ease up the symptom of pollen allergy.

vegetables containing food fibre will normalized the immunity system.

sweet tea or vitamin C can stop running nose.

yogurt / vitamin C prevent pollen allergy

Pollen allergy seems serious in Japan (or at least in Tokyo). Even the weather forecast that i receive from my handphone include the report for pollen. But i never expect to see such menu in karaoke...

Later, we went for dinner in concurrent celebrating a friend's birthday at an Izakaya (居酒屋) named 千年の宴.

We took an 8 item's course which cost 2100yen each plus 950yen (ladies), 1250yen (men) for 飲み放題, which means all you can drink (mostly alcoholic drink) or 480yen for softdrinks only. 3 of us (me, Carven and Adam) chose softdrinks only while the rest of them chose the full menu. All of us were shocked when Carven chose softdrinks only. She used to drink alot since she came to Japan.. and most of the time when we have steamboat / dinner gathering at someone's room, she'll always be the one who demanded for alcoholic drink. But somewhere in the middle, Annie treated her a glass of cocktail, later, Sun Jack gave her a glass of "umeshu rock" (梅酒) and on and on, she drank a few glasses of alcoholic drink i think. What happen after that??? she's drunk!! but she denied. Anyway she's not drunk terribly...

When Carven's getting drunk, what's on my mind was: should I stop her or should I let her be?? because deep inside my heart I remembered what Kah Choon (one of my favourite senior in UM) told me: take care of her. But well, she's already an adult, it's her right to drink as long as she's not taking drugs, and I'm nobody to control her, neither her parents nor her bf. But, it's an unexplainable complicated feeling seeing her letting herself getting drunk.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

VON: Fantasy Dreamer

What's all about Fantasy Dreamer??? it's actually the English version of group name for both of us - 梦幻双人组 when we're back to the old days during lower secondary school.
Time flies... this was about 8 or 9 years ago.. and what make us to have a such name?? i couldn't remember who was the one who started it of, but this really mean alot to me. it's a proof of our friendship since then.

We were schoolmates since primary school ,classmates for primary 3 n 6. We just knew each other as classmates but seldom talk to each other as both of us had our own circle of friends. However, when we came to secondary school, it happened that we're in the same class again and thanks to the form teacher, whom i'd forgotten her name (only remembered that she was our art teacher) she arranged the position that we should sit and from then on Yun sat in front of me and that's the time we started to befriend.

One of the game that we used to play was spinning a pen n answer some questions if the pen pointed at u. From then on, we get to know each other better and finally became best friend till now. Even though we're apart since form 4, it doesn't matter that we're in different environment, having different circles of friends, studying in different uni, studying different courses, our friendship stil remains and it will go on and on and on...